
Keeping the Course on the Journey of Faith

Tenderloin Supper Saturday April 12th 4-7pm
April 17 – Holy (Maundy) Service 7pm
Easter April 20th: Breakfast 8:30, Kids Egg Hunt 9:15, Worship 10:00

2 responses to “Waypoints”

  1. Breanne Hoffman Avatar
    Breanne Hoffman

    This is great! I like that they are short, something I can connect to when I’m driving my 15 min drive to school. I like the blend of music. I loved the coffee shop reference. More of the day to day connections helps me understand. I thought the first one was engaging and I liked how you explained very briefly what the podcast. I thought your voice sounded conversational and I liked your pacing. Especially when reading the scripture since I am listening and not reading the words on the screen . I thought the topic was good too. Something I’ve never really thought about and I didn’t know that the Swedish and French have a lot of atheists.

    So, I listen to a lot of podcasts. Usually when I’m driving or doing laundry.
    One thing that really draws me in and engages me right away is in the first minute, the presenter reminds me why it’s important I’m tanking this time to listen.
    “Thank you so much for joining me today. You are intentionally choosing to deepen your relationship with God and become a better disciple of Christ, and to that I applaud you.” Or something along those lines because it validates my time and actions.
    Then I really get drawn in when the speaker tells me right off what I am going to get out of it by listening (like my take away tools) and why it’s important.

    For example, “Today I am going to give you a new perspective on your journey with Christ. When you are done listening today, you are going to have a better understanding of how your own experiences and how the experiences of others vary and how that can be useful moving forward in spreading the light of the Lord”. Something like that.

    So I right away, within the first minute understand what the topic is, I am encouraged that this time I’m spending is important and I know when I leave I will have a new tool to grow in my understanding of scripture.
    Then dive in maybe with a question.
    I listened to this in my car. I actually listened to 3/5 and kind of got disengaged. Then realized there was one on 3/3 first and went back and listened to it and then listened to 3/5 again.
    One more thing you could add would be questions throughout the podcast.
    “Have you ever thought about your privilege as a Christian? What does privilege mean exactly? Is it wrong to have privilege over someone else? Should I feel guilty for having privileges others don’t?
    What can you do with this knowledge and experience to serve others?” Sometimes you can answer your own questions, sometimes leave it to the audience to ponder…
    When it seems more like a conversation, it feels more relatable and it gives the listener a chance to think about themselves in that role and apply it.
    I would love to listen to more. Keep em coming! Good stuff!

    1. Joel Yeager Avatar
      Joel Yeager

      Thanks Breanne! I’m NOT a podcaster, maybe should be more. Those tips will be helpful, thanks for those. I’m trying to create a space where we can easily slip into and stay connected with the church: announcements and calendar, etc. And then also get some more exposure to the Word. My plan is Mon Wed Fri of each week, with each session pointing towards the next Sunday’s sermon. We’ll see how this goes. Thanks for checking it out!

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2 Replies to “Waypoints”

  1. This is great! I like that they are short, something I can connect to when I’m driving my 15 min drive to school. I like the blend of music. I loved the coffee shop reference. More of the day to day connections helps me understand. I thought the first one was engaging and I liked how you explained very briefly what the podcast. I thought your voice sounded conversational and I liked your pacing. Especially when reading the scripture since I am listening and not reading the words on the screen . I thought the topic was good too. Something I’ve never really thought about and I didn’t know that the Swedish and French have a lot of atheists.

    So, I listen to a lot of podcasts. Usually when I’m driving or doing laundry.
    One thing that really draws me in and engages me right away is in the first minute, the presenter reminds me why it’s important I’m tanking this time to listen.
    “Thank you so much for joining me today. You are intentionally choosing to deepen your relationship with God and become a better disciple of Christ, and to that I applaud you.” Or something along those lines because it validates my time and actions.
    Then I really get drawn in when the speaker tells me right off what I am going to get out of it by listening (like my take away tools) and why it’s important.

    For example, “Today I am going to give you a new perspective on your journey with Christ. When you are done listening today, you are going to have a better understanding of how your own experiences and how the experiences of others vary and how that can be useful moving forward in spreading the light of the Lord”. Something like that.

    So I right away, within the first minute understand what the topic is, I am encouraged that this time I’m spending is important and I know when I leave I will have a new tool to grow in my understanding of scripture.
    Then dive in maybe with a question.
    I listened to this in my car. I actually listened to 3/5 and kind of got disengaged. Then realized there was one on 3/3 first and went back and listened to it and then listened to 3/5 again.
    One more thing you could add would be questions throughout the podcast.
    “Have you ever thought about your privilege as a Christian? What does privilege mean exactly? Is it wrong to have privilege over someone else? Should I feel guilty for having privileges others don’t?
    What can you do with this knowledge and experience to serve others?” Sometimes you can answer your own questions, sometimes leave it to the audience to ponder…
    When it seems more like a conversation, it feels more relatable and it gives the listener a chance to think about themselves in that role and apply it.
    I would love to listen to more. Keep em coming! Good stuff!

    1. Thanks Breanne! I’m NOT a podcaster, maybe should be more. Those tips will be helpful, thanks for those. I’m trying to create a space where we can easily slip into and stay connected with the church: announcements and calendar, etc. And then also get some more exposure to the Word. My plan is Mon Wed Fri of each week, with each session pointing towards the next Sunday’s sermon. We’ll see how this goes. Thanks for checking it out!

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